Welcome to The Johnson Website

This website is the home of Ed & Dorothy Johnson.

The flags above respresent the paternal ancestries of Dorothy and Ed.
The blue and white Saint Andrews saltire represents Ed's Scottish ancestry.
The yellow and red flag of Spain represents Dorothy's ancestry.
That said, we are both multi-generational Americans, with all of our
parents, grandparents and great grandparents having been born in the U.S.

Dorothy's maiden name is Lopez. Her paternal line was researched back
to her great grandfather. Unfortunately, it could not be researched any
further as the records were either distroyed, or otherwise did not exist.

Ed's paternal ancestry has been successfully researched back to the
1600's; to Aberdeen Scotland; to Ed's 7th great grandfather; to a time
when Ed's last name was originally spelled as Johnston.
Ed also participated in a DNA program which confirmed his Scottish heritage.
If you have any questions or comments about this site, you can e-mail us at:

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The ribbon with a star, posted at the top page
of this web site is to commemorate the victims
of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

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